Please be aware that there are individuals impersonating our brand URBAN TREND LUXURY BOUTIQUE, on various online platforms and social media channels. These unauthorized pages or persons may attempt to deceive our customers by offering counterfeit products, misleading information, or engaging in fraudulent activities.

We would like to emphasize that URBAN TREND LUXURY BOUTIQUE is a registered brand & operates solely through our official website, verified social media accounts and our walk in store, We do not endorse or have any affiliation with any unauthorized pages or individuals claiming to represent our brand.

To ensure a safe and authentic shopping experience, we strongly advise our customers to only interact with URBAN TREND LUXURY BOUTIQUE through our official channels. Please do your due diligent before shopping from those platforms, exercise caution and report any suspicious activity to us immediately.

We will not be held liable for any transactions done with the perpetrators.

Please follow our verified social media platforms on Snapchat @urbantrendluxe, Instagram, Tiktok & Facebook @urbantrendluxury, ensure that payments are made to our official bank accounts bearing our official business name. Also ensure that online purchase should be done only via our only website or our verified whatsapp channel. 

Thank you for your understanding and continued support of URBAN TREND LUXURY BOUTIQUE.

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